- Socialbakers Monthly Regional Reports for Czech Republic put you on the cutting edge of social media analysis. With years of analysis backing up the world’s largest social media dataset, you’ll discover the kind of deep competitive information in over 30 countries, including Czech Republic, that most marketers will never be able to see. The key to getting ahead is getting on board. Consumer Behaviour
- Czech consumers are traditionally price-sensitive, but the importance of quality is becoming increasingly important. This is indicated by a notable transition from cheaper products towards more recognizable brand names. As the consumer’s purchasing power increases, there is a growing interest in free-from and organic products as well as health and wellness products. 60% of consumers use a car to go shopping and prefer to visit the hypermarkets over smaller local businesses. Discount stores, in particular, have had a great success and now dominate the grocery shopping market. Credit card use has grown exponentially as bank regulations for card insurance have been relaxed to near-Western standards. More and more Czech consumers prefer online shopping, which surpassed the threshold of 10% in retail industry, for the first time in 2017 (CZK 115 billion). Total number of Internet retailers has grown rapidly as well (40.101 in 2017 as opposed to 37.920 in 2016). Learn more details about Czech customer’s behavious and how to make them work for you at https://www.salesforce.com/blog/2019/06/customer-engagement-trends.html
- Consumer Profile and Purchasing Power
- As in most European countries, the Czech population is getting older (with a median age of 42.1 in 2017 – CIA World Factbook) meaning that services catering to old persons have an increasing growth potential. Prague ranks 6th in the EU for consumer purchasing power, but this does not necessarily translate directly into a high turnover. The purchasing power of the active population is closely correlated with its education level. The Czech population tends to prefer products it already knows, and consumption is increasingly directed towards environmentally friendly and organic products. With an Internet penetration rate of 92.4%, Czech consumer is digitally connected and regularly uses smartphones for online shopping (61% of total consumers aged between 16 and 26 and 43% of total population). Cross-border e-commerce is also increasingly popular as Czech consumers seek lower prices or products that are not available in their country.
A já slyšel, že adFOX bude pro „velký úspěchů zrušen. Tak jak to je?
Mno, z popularne naucneho hlediska je to OK repka, je tam ale cela rada chyb a nepresnosti, treba tvrdi, ze Atlas spustil AdFox a podobne. A Jirka Chomat tam laskovne kouli ocima!
Taky už jsem Jirku chválil ;) Spíš by to vždycky potřebovalo nějakou „cenzuru“ ze strany někoho, kdo tomu rozumí (i třeba ze strany účinkujících), anžto se na to redaktoři dívali podobně, jako zmíněné mediálky, proto některé dotazy byly trochu mimo mísu (stejně jako srovnání placených zápisů v katalogu s sklikem, tj. nepochopení modelu, nebo třeba malé zdůraznění kontextového cílení, o kterém se předpokládám celou dobu jednalo…). Ale jinak cajk, těch webových témat se na ČT24 se už pár mihlo a většina byla poměrně v pohodě.
Teď se na to dívám ještě jednou a taky tam asi došlo k nepochopení dlouhého ocasu, což je ze strany šéfredaktora M&M docela divné.
Díky ČT 24 za reklamu, když tam mluví o Skliku, tak tam místo Seznamu zabírají naše webové stránky. To jsou věci, škoda, že to neběželo na Nově :-) Redaktor bohužel moc netušil, o co v ppc jde. A proto je taková osvěta, kterou tu provádí Petra, velice záslužná činnost. Díky!